Sunday, November 9, 2008

The 26th Sunday after Pentecost

Week of Nov 9th 2008
11/9/2008 --8:00am Parishioners of St Mary's

-- 9:15 ECF (Eastern Christian Formation) classes

10:15am -- +Andy Onufrak by Anne Truhan

11/10.2008 --8:30am Liturgical Hour

11/11/2008 --11:00am Veterans, living/deceased, St Mary's Parish

11/13/2008 --8:30am + John Roshay by Norma Roshay

11/14/2008 --8:30am intentions of Rick White

11/15/2008 --8:30am +Matthew Hitchens by Annamae Hitchens

11/16/2008 --8:00am Parishioners of St Mary's 10:00am +John Roshay by M/M Rees